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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <XML_DIZ_INFO> <MASTER_PAD_VERSION_INFO> <MASTER_PAD_VERSION>2.00</MASTER_PAD_VERSION> <MASTER_PAD_EDITOR>RoboSoft</MASTER_PAD_EDITOR> <MASTER_PAD_INFO>Portable Application Description, or PAD for short, is a data set that is used by shareware authors to disseminate information to anyone interested in their software products. To find out more go to http://www.asp-shareware.org/pad</MASTER_PAD_INFO> </MASTER_PAD_VERSION_INFO> <RoboSoft> <Company_UIN>CMP-004B19A8131</Company_UIN> <Product_UIN>APP-004B19F624D</Product_UIN> <Search_String>Allway Sync synchronize file folder directory</Search_String> <Comments_For_Reviewer>Thank you for the reviewing our application. Please fill free to call/email us to clarify the issues.</Comments_For_Reviewer> <Additional_Categories></Additional_Categories> </RoboSoft> <Company_Info> <Company_Name>Usov Lab</Company_Name> <Address_1>43797 Maison Blanc Sq</Address_1> <Address_2>#100</Address_2> <City_Town>Ashburn</City_Town> <State_Province>VA</State_Province> <Zip_Postal_Code>20148</Zip_Postal_Code> <Country>United States of America</Country> <Company_WebSite_URL>http://allwaysync.com</Company_WebSite_URL> <Contact_Info> <Author_First_Name>Dmitry</Author_First_Name> <Author_Last_Name>Usov</Author_Last_Name> <Author_Email>submit@syncapp.com</Author_Email> <Contact_First_Name>Dmitry</Contact_First_Name> <Contact_Last_Name>Usov</Contact_Last_Name> <Contact_Email>submit@syncapp.com</Contact_Email> </Contact_Info> <Support_Info> <Sales_Email>submit@syncapp.com</Sales_Email> <Support_Email>submit@syncapp.com</Support_Email> <General_Email>submit@syncapp.com</General_Email> <Sales_Phone>+1-703-726-1537</Sales_Phone> <Support_Phone>+1-703-726-1537</Support_Phone> <General_Phone>+1-703-726-1537</General_Phone> <Fax_Phone>+1-815-301-2853</Fax_Phone> </Support_Info> </Company_Info> <ASP> <ASP_FORM>Y</ASP_FORM> <ASP_Member>N</ASP_Member> <ASP_Member_Number></ASP_Member_Number> </ASP> <Program_Info> <Program_Name>Allway Sync</Program_Name> <Program_Version>7.0.1</Program_Version> <Program_Release_Month>12</Program_Release_Month> <Program_Release_Day>19</Program_Release_Day> <Program_Release_Year>2007</Program_Release_Year> <Program_Type>Freeware</Program_Type> <Program_Release_Status>Major Update</Program_Release_Status> <Program_Install_Support>Install and Uninstall</Program_Install_Support> <Program_OS_Support>Win98,WinME,WinXP,Windows2000,Windows2003,WindowsVista</Program_OS_Support> <Program_Language>English,Arabic,ChineseSimplified,ChineseTraditional,Czech,Finnish,French,German,Hungarian,Italian,Japanese,Korean,Polish,Portuguese,Russian,Spanish,Swedish</Program_Language> <Program_Change_Info>Optimized analyzing algorithm Improved user interface Updated language files </Program_Change_Info> <Program_Specific_Category>Utilities</Program_Specific_Category> <Program_Category_Class>System Utilities::File & Disk Management</Program_Category_Class> <Program_Categories>Utilities :: Synchronization,Utilities :: Backup,Utilities :: File & Disk Management,Utilities :: Security & Encryption,Utilities :: File Compression</Program_Categories> <Includes_JAVA_VM>N</Includes_JAVA_VM> <Includes_VB_Runtime>N</Includes_VB_Runtime> <Includes_DirectX>N</Includes_DirectX> <File_Info> <Filename_Versioned>syncapp10.exe</Filename_Versioned> <Filename_Previous>syncapp00.exe</Filename_Previous> <Filename_Generic>syncapp.exe</Filename_Generic> <Filename_Long>allwaysync-7-0-1.exe</Filename_Long> <File_Size_Bytes>4018816</File_Size_Bytes> <File_Size_K>3925</File_Size_K> <File_Size_MB>3.83</File_Size_MB> </File_Info> <Expire_Info> <Has_Expire_Info>N</Has_Expire_Info> <Expire_Count></Expire_Count> <Expire_Based_On></Expire_Based_On> <Expire_Other_Info></Expire_Other_Info> <Expire_Month></Expire_Month> <Expire_Day></Expire_Day> <Expire_Year></Expire_Year> </Expire_Info> <Program_Cost_Dollars>0</Program_Cost_Dollars> <Limitations>Personal use only</Limitations> <Awards>Softpedia GeekFiles ClobalShareware Download2you Brothersoft</Awards> <Program_System_Requirements>A standard Windows PC</Program_System_Requirements> <Program_Cost_Other_Code></Program_Cost_Other_Code> <Program_Cost_Other></Program_Cost_Other> </Program_Info> <Web_Info> <Application_URLs> <Application_Info_URL>http://allwaysync.com</Application_Info_URL> <Application_Order_URL>http://allwaysync.com</Application_Order_URL> <Application_Screenshot_URL>http://allwaysync.com/download/screenshot_small.gif</Application_Screenshot_URL> <Application_Icon_URL>http://allwaysync.com/download/webicon.gif</Application_Icon_URL> <Application_XML_File_URL>http://allwaysync.com/download/allway_sync.xml</Application_XML_File_URL> </Application_URLs> <Download_URLs> <Primary_Download_URL>http://allwaysync.com/download/allwaysync-7-0-1.exe</Primary_Download_URL> <Secondary_Download_URL></Secondary_Download_URL> <Additional_Download_URL_1></Additional_Download_URL_1> <Additional_Download_URL_2></Additional_Download_URL_2> </Download_URLs> </Web_Info> <Permissions> <Distribution_Permissions>You may include ALLWAY SYNC on any CD compilation. You may not sell ALLWAY SYNC without our written permission.</Distribution_Permissions> <EULA>ALLWAY SYNC END USER SOFTWARE LICENSE AGREEMENT IMPORTANT: YOU SHOULD CAREFULLY READ THIS LEGAL AGREEMENT BEFORE INSTALLING THIS PACKAGE. BY INSTALLING ALLWAY SYNC, YOU ACCEPT ALL THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF THIS AGREEMENT AND AGREE THAT YOU WILL BE LEGALLY BOUND BY THEM. IF THESE TERMS AND CONDITIONS ARE NOT ACCEPTABLE TO YOU, DO NOT CONTINUE TO INSTALL THIS SOFTWARE. ALLWAY SYNC LICENSE TERMS Usov Lab ("Developer") grants you ("Customer") a license to use Allway Sync, Allway Sync 'n' Go or Allway Sync 'n' Go U3 ("Allway Sync"), subject to the separate, applicable provisions below. For purposes of the provisions contained below, the term "Customer" shall also apply to Non-Profit Customers as defined below, unless expressly stated otherwise. I. LICENSE FOR FREE VERSION OF ALLWAY SYNC (ALLWAY SYNC FREE) Non-Profit Customers (but not other Customers) are allowed to use Allway Sync for free, subject to limitations as described below. All other Customers are allowed to use Allway Sync Free for thirty days for evaluation purposes only. Non-Profit Customer is defined as a customer who uses Allway Sync in a non-commercial environment for non-profit activity. All Customers who use Allway Sync in a commercial, business or government setting, or in a military institution, or when engaged in profitable activity at home are not Non-Profit Customers for the purposes of this agreement. Customers who are students of accredited universities and high schools are classified as Non-profit Customers even if their school or university is owned and operated by a government. Customer agrees that Allway Sync Free has certain limitations and that these limitations may change over time without notice or obligation on the part of Developer. Currently, these limitations allow Customer to synchronize no more than 20,000 files per 30-day period. II. LICENSE FOR ALLWAY SYNC PRO VERSION Customer may acquire Pro verions of Allway Sync, Allway Sync 'n' Go or Allway Sync 'n' Go U3 ("Allway Sync Pro") from Developer's website or from other distribution channels. Customer who acquires a license for Pro version of Allway Sync is granted a nonexclusive license to install and run this software on a single computer only. Customer who acquires a license for Pro version of Allway Sync 'n' Go is granted a nonexclusive license to install this software on a single removable device only and run it from the removable device on multiple computers. Customer who acquires a license for Pro version of Allway Sync 'n' Go U3 is granted a nonexclusive license to install this software on a single U3-enabled device only and run it from the U3-enabled device on multiple computers. However, Allway Sync Pro Customer is allowed to synchronize data with a remote computer (using a network drive) without obtaining a license for that computer. Customer shall not use Allway Sync Pro for commercial timesharing. Customer shall not rent any Allway Sync Pro license to other parties. LICENSE ACTIVATION: Customer hereby acknowledges and accepts that the Allway Sync Pro activation process may be used to enforce provisions of this Agreement that allow the use of one Allway Sync Pro license only on one computer or removable device. Customer agrees to the activation process for Allway Sync Pro during which the manual entry of an activation code may be required. Developer may supply Customer with an activation code, which is bundled with Customer's hardware Allway Sync is installed on. Customer agrees to provide Developer with a 64-bit hardware identifier calculated by Allway Sync installation when requested by Developer. Customer may send this hardware identifier to Developer by e-mail, submit via a web form on Develper's website or transmit in on-line activation process implemented by Allway Sync when it's available. ALLWAY SYNC PRO USERS MANAGEMENT SYSTEM: Personal data of customers that purchase Allway Sync Pro is stored in the Pro Users Management System (PUMS). Only the data that customers or their agents enter into the Allway Sync Pro purchase web page are stored in the PUMS database. Customer hereby allows Developer to store this data on Developer's server. This data shall be used for purchase tracking, reactivation of Allway Sync Pro licenses, refund and chargeback tracking and other customer service purposes. Customer allows Developer to send infrequent product update newsletters and promotional offers to the e-mail and postal addresses stored in PUMS. REFUNDS: Developer will refund the full amount paid for a license of Allway Sync Pro if: - The refund request is received by Developer within 60 days of the date of purchase of Allway Sync Pro by Customer, and - Customer provides Proof of Purchase, which can be the original e-mail receipt for Allway Sync Pro, credit card or bank statement showing Allway Sync Pro purchase. III. GENERAL PROVISIONS FOR ALLWAY SYNC FREE AND PRO Customer shall not remove any product identification, copyright notices, or other notices or proprietary restrictions from Allway Sync. Customer shall not cause or permit reverse engineering, disassembly, or decompilation of Allway Sync. COPYRIGHT/OWNERSHIP OF PROGRAM: Allway Sync is the proprietary product of Developer and its licensors and it is protected by copyright, trade secret and other intellectual property laws. Customer acquires only the right to use Allway Sync and does not acquire any rights, express or implied, to Allway Sync or media containing Allway Sync other than those specified in this License. Developer, or its licensor, shall at all times retain all rights, title, interest, including intellectual property rights, in Allway Sync and media. TRANSMISSION OF DATA IN AUTOUPDATE: At Customer discretion Allway Sync may automatically check Developer's server (http://syncapp.com) for new versions and security patches approximately once a week. If it finds a version that is newer than the version that is currently installed, Allway Sync will suggest that Customer upgrades to the more recent version. The checking of new version is limited to the following technical data to be transmitted to Developer's server: current Allway Sync version on the user's machine, a randomly generated 128-bit session ID and set of standard HTTP headers. Customer hereby allows such transmissions to occur. NO WARRANTIES OF ANY KIND: ALLWAY SYNC IS PROVIDED "AS IS" WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. DEVELOPER DOES NOT WARRANT THAT THE FUNCTIONS CONTAINED IN ALLWAY SYNC WILL MEET CUSTOMER'S REQUIREMENTS OR OPERATE IN AN ENVIRONMENT CREATED EITHER BY CUSTOMER OR ANY THRID PARTY OR THAT THE OPERATION OF ALLWAY SYNC WILL BE UNINTERRUPTED OR ERROR FREE OR THAT ALLWAY SYNC ERRORS WILL BE CORRECTED. THE ENTIRE RISK AS TO THE QUALITY AND PERFORMANCE OF ALLWAY SYNC IS WITH CUSTOMER. LIMITATION OF LIABILITY: NEITHER DEVELOPER NOR ANY OF ITS LICENSORS SHALL BE LIABLE FOR ANY DAMAGES CAUSED BY ALLWAY SYNC INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES, OR DAMAGES FOR LOSS OF PROFITS, LOSS OF SAVINGS, REVENUE, DATA, INCURRED EITHER BY CUSTOMER OR ANY THIRD PARTY, EVEN IF DEVELOPER HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. TERMINATION: This License is effective until terminated. Customer may terminate this Agreement at any time by uninstalling Allway Sync and deleting all its files. This License will terminate immediately without notice from Developer if Customer fails to comply with any provision of this License. Upon termination or expiration of this License Customer must uninstall Allway Sync and delete all its files. EXPORT LAW ASSURANCE: Customer shall comply fully with all laws and regulations of the United States and other countries (Export Laws) to assure that neither Allway Sync, nor any direct products thereof are exported, directly or indirectly, in violation of Export Laws, or are used for any purpose prohibited by Export Laws, including, without limitation, nuclear, chemical, or biological weapons proliferation. If Allway Sync has been rightfully obtained by you outside of the United States, you agree that you will not re-export Allway Sync nor any other technical data received, nor the direct product thereof, except as permitted by the laws and regulations of the United States and the laws and regulations of the jurisdiction in which you obtained Allway Sync. JURISDICTION AND DISPUTES: This Agreement shall be governed by the laws of Virginia. All disputes hereunder shall be resolved in the applicable state or federal courts of Virginia. The parties consent to the jurisdiction of such courts, agree to accept service of process by mail, and waive any jurisdictional or venue defenses otherwise available. In any litigation arising out of this Agreement or related to the use or function of Allway Sync, Developer shall be entitled to all legal costs and attorney's fees incurred in mediation, arbitration, suit and on appeal. SEVERABILITY: If for any reason a court of competent jurisdiction finds any provision of this License or portion thereof, to be unenforceable, that provision of the License shall be enforced to the maximum extent permissible so as to affect the intent of the parties, and the remainder of this License shall continue in full force and effect. COMPLETE AGREEMENT: This License constitutes the entire agreement between the parties with respect to the use of Allway Sync and the related documentation, and supersedes all prior or contemporaneous understandings or agreements, written or oral, regarding such subject matter. No amendment to or modification of this License will be binding unless in writing and signed by a duly authorized representative of Developer. CUSTOMER HEREBY ACKNOWLEDGES THAT CUSTOMER HAS READ THIS AGREEMENT, UNDERSTANDS IT AND AGREES TO BE BOUND BY ITS TERMS AND CONDITIONS. </EULA> </Permissions> <Simtel> <Simtel_FORM>Y</Simtel_FORM> <SIMTEL_FORM_VER>1.6 11/26/2002</SIMTEL_FORM_VER> <Simtel_Platform>win95 - Win95/Win98/WinME</Simtel_Platform> <Simtel_Category>File Backup, Copying, Synchronizing</Simtel_Category> </Simtel> <Delphi> <D1>FALSE</D1> <D2>FALSE</D2> <D3>FALSE</D3> <D4>FALSE</D4> <D5>FALSE</D5> <D6>FALSE</D6> <D7>FALSE</D7> <BCB1>FALSE</BCB1> <BCB3>FALSE</BCB3> <BCB4>FALSE</BCB4> <BCB5>FALSE</BCB5> <BCB6>FALSE</BCB6> <K1>FALSE</K1> <K2></K2> <K3></K3> <D1_URL></D1_URL> <D2_URL></D2_URL> <D3_URL></D3_URL> <D4_URL></D4_URL> <D5_URL></D5_URL> <D6_URL></D6_URL> <D7_URL></D7_URL> <BCB1_URL></BCB1_URL> <BCB3_URL></BCB3_URL> <BCB4_URL></BCB4_URL> <BCB5_URL></BCB5_URL> <BCB6_URL></BCB6_URL> <K1_URL></K1_URL> <K2_URL></K2_URL> <K3_URL></K3_URL> <Type></Type> <Price></Price> <Source></Source> <File_Location></File_Location> <Link_URL></Link_URL> <Download_URL></Download_URL> <Version></Version> <Notes></Notes> </Delphi> <Affiliates> <Affiliates_FORM>Y</Affiliates_FORM> <Affiliates_FORM_VER>1.1 12/04/2002</Affiliates_FORM_VER> <Affiliates_VERSION>1.0</Affiliates_VERSION> <Affiliates_URL>http://www.asp-shareware.org/pad/extensions/Affiliates.htm</Affiliates_URL> <Affiliates_Information_Page>http://allwaysync.com/promote.html</Affiliates_Information_Page> <Affiliates_Regnow_Order_Page>http://www.regnow.com/softsell/nph-softsell.cgi?item=8591-2</Affiliates_Regnow_Order_Page> <Affiliates_Regnow_Vendor_ID>8591</Affiliates_Regnow_Vendor_ID> <Affiliates_Regnow_Product_ID>8591-2</Affiliates_Regnow_Product_ID> <Affiliates_Regnow_Maximum_Commission_Rate>70%</Affiliates_Regnow_Maximum_Commission_Rate> <Affiliates_BMTMicro_Order_Page></Affiliates_BMTMicro_Order_Page> <Affiliates_BMTMicro_Vendor_ID></Affiliates_BMTMicro_Vendor_ID> <Affiliates_BMTMicro_Product_ID></Affiliates_BMTMicro_Product_ID> <Affiliates_BMTMicro_Maximum_Commission_Rate></Affiliates_BMTMicro_Maximum_Commission_Rate> <Affiliates_DigiBuy_Order_Page></Affiliates_DigiBuy_Order_Page> <Affiliates_DigiBuy_Vendor_ID></Affiliates_DigiBuy_Vendor_ID> <Affiliates_DigiBuy_Product_ID></Affiliates_DigiBuy_Product_ID> <Affiliates_DigiBuy_Maximum_Commission_Rate></Affiliates_DigiBuy_Maximum_Commission_Rate> <Affiliates_DigitalCandle_Order_Page></Affiliates_DigitalCandle_Order_Page> <Affiliates_DigitalCandle_Vendor_ID></Affiliates_DigitalCandle_Vendor_ID> <Affiliates_DigitalCandle_Product_ID></Affiliates_DigitalCandle_Product_ID> <Affiliates_DigitalCandle_Maximum_Commission_Rate></Affiliates_DigitalCandle_Maximum_Commission_Rate> <Affiliates_Emetrix_Order_Page></Affiliates_Emetrix_Order_Page> <Affiliates_Emetrix_Vendor_ID></Affiliates_Emetrix_Vendor_ID> <Affiliates_Emetrix_Product_ID></Affiliates_Emetrix_Product_ID> <Affiliates_Emetrix_Maximum_Commission_Rate></Affiliates_Emetrix_Maximum_Commission_Rate> <Affiliates_eSellerate_Order_Page></Affiliates_eSellerate_Order_Page> <Affiliates_eSellerate_Vendor_ID></Affiliates_eSellerate_Vendor_ID> <Affiliates_eSellerate_Product_ID></Affiliates_eSellerate_Product_ID> <Affiliates_eSellerate_Maximum_Commission_Rate></Affiliates_eSellerate_Maximum_Commission_Rate> <Affiliates_Kagi_Order_Page></Affiliates_Kagi_Order_Page> <Affiliates_Kagi_Vendor_ID></Affiliates_Kagi_Vendor_ID> <Affiliates_Kagi_Product_ID></Affiliates_Kagi_Product_ID> <Affiliates_Kagi_Maximum_Commission_Rate></Affiliates_Kagi_Maximum_Commission_Rate> <Affiliates_NorthStarSol_Order_Page></Affiliates_NorthStarSol_Order_Page> <Affiliates_NorthStarSol_Vendor_ID></Affiliates_NorthStarSol_Vendor_ID> <Affiliates_NorthStarSol_Product_ID></Affiliates_NorthStarSol_Product_ID> <Affiliates_NorthStarSol_Maximum_Commission_Rate></Affiliates_NorthStarSol_Maximum_Commission_Rate> <Affiliates_Order1_Order_Page></Affiliates_Order1_Order_Page> <Affiliates_Order1_Vendor_ID></Affiliates_Order1_Vendor_ID> <Affiliates_Order1_Product_ID></Affiliates_Order1_Product_ID> <Affiliates_Order1_Maximum_Commission_Rate></Affiliates_Order1_Maximum_Commission_Rate> <Affiliates_Osolis_Order_Page></Affiliates_Osolis_Order_Page> <Affiliates_Osolis_Vendor_ID></Affiliates_Osolis_Vendor_ID> <Affiliates_Osolis_Product_ID></Affiliates_Osolis_Product_ID> <Affiliates_Osolis_Maximum_Commission_Rate></Affiliates_Osolis_Maximum_Commission_Rate> <Affiliates_Regnet_Order_Page></Affiliates_Regnet_Order_Page> <Affiliates_Regnet_Vendor_ID></Affiliates_Regnet_Vendor_ID> <Affiliates_Regnet_Product_ID></Affiliates_Regnet_Product_ID> <Affiliates_Regnet_Maximum_Commission_Rate></Affiliates_Regnet_Maximum_Commission_Rate> <Affiliates_Regsoft_Order_Page></Affiliates_Regsoft_Order_Page> <Affiliates_Regsoft_Vendor_ID></Affiliates_Regsoft_Vendor_ID> <Affiliates_Regsoft_Product_ID></Affiliates_Regsoft_Product_ID> <Affiliates_Regsoft_Maximum_Commission_Rate></Affiliates_Regsoft_Maximum_Commission_Rate> <Affiliates_ShareIt_Order_Page></Affiliates_ShareIt_Order_Page> <Affiliates_ShareIt_Vendor_ID></Affiliates_ShareIt_Vendor_ID> <Affiliates_ShareIt_Product_ID></Affiliates_ShareIt_Product_ID> <Affiliates_ShareIt_Maximum_Commission_Rate></Affiliates_ShareIt_Maximum_Commission_Rate> <Affiliates_SWReg_Order_Page></Affiliates_SWReg_Order_Page> <Affiliates_SWReg_Vendor_ID></Affiliates_SWReg_Vendor_ID> <Affiliates_SWReg_Product_ID></Affiliates_SWReg_Product_ID> <Affiliates_SWReg_Maximum_Commission_Rate></Affiliates_SWReg_Maximum_Commission_Rate> <Affiliates_V-Share_Order_Page></Affiliates_V-Share_Order_Page> <Affiliates_V-Share_Vendor_ID></Affiliates_V-Share_Vendor_ID> <Affiliates_V-Share_Product_ID></Affiliates_V-Share_Product_ID> <Affiliates_V-Share_Maximum_Commission_Rate></Affiliates_V-Share_Maximum_Commission_Rate> <Affiliates_VFree_Order_Page></Affiliates_VFree_Order_Page> <Affiliates_VFree_Vendor_ID></Affiliates_VFree_Vendor_ID> <Affiliates_VFree_Product_ID></Affiliates_VFree_Product_ID> <Affiliates_VFree_Maximum_Commission_Rate></Affiliates_VFree_Maximum_Commission_Rate> <Affiliates_Yaskifo_Order_Page></Affiliates_Yaskifo_Order_Page> <Affiliates_Yaskifo_Vendor_ID></Affiliates_Yaskifo_Vendor_ID> <Affiliates_Yaskifo_Product_ID></Affiliates_Yaskifo_Product_ID> <Affiliates_Yaskifo_Maximum_Commission_Rate></Affiliates_Yaskifo_Maximum_Commission_Rate> </Affiliates> <Press_Release> <Press_Release> Contact: Robert Brownridge Company: Usov Lab Title: VP Business Development E-mail: forpress@usovlab.com Tel: +1-703-531-USOV Fax: +1-703-726-1537 Version 5.5.8 is released Ashburn, Virginia. – January 25, 2007: Usov Lab today announced the release of AllwaySync, the latest version of a smart and simple tool for automating data exchange routines cross multiple computers. Synchronization can be performed in one or both directions, via a network connection or any removable drive, including USB keys, flash drives, CDRW disks, MP3 players, Digital Cameras, etc. AllwaySync features a intuitive and instructive interface with two path selection fields for building a sync association between two folders. Once the association is set, the user can get the program to analyze what files has been modified recently and propagate the modification to their counterpart in other folder. AllwaySync 5.5.8 builds on the success of the previous versions which possessed a high user adoption and generated a large amount of enthusiastic feedback. “Allway Sync has all the features and options I need and even more, and the user interface is very intuitive and simple to use.” says Mike Molaison, Program Manager at Hewlet-Packard. “I highly recommend this tool to anyone searching for a way to synchronize files from laptop to desktop, as well as anyone wanting to make online backups of important files to an external USB/Firewire hard drive or to another networked system.”. AllwaySync 5.5.8 features at a glance: 1. Free version available; 2. True bi-directional and n-way file and folder sync; 3. Extended synchronization settings: § Advanced automatic synchronization options; § Extensive file inclusion and exclusion filters; § Customizable errors/warnings handling; § Automatic file versioning. 4. Proprietary algorithm with file attributes database; 5. Synchronization via local, network or removable drive; 6. Multilingual user interface. Availability AllwaySync 5.5.8 runs under Windows 98/Me/XP/2000/2003/VISTA and is distributed as a freeware product. The program can be downloaded at the company’s website: http://allwaysync.com/download/allwaysync-5-5-8.exe. About Usov Lab Founded in 2004, Usov Lab is a software development company based in Northern Virginia. The team is dedicated to providing quality software for small and medium-sized businesses, yet simple enough to be suitable for even amateur PC users. For more information about the company please visit http://usovlab.com . Product page link: http://allwaysync.com Product information link: http://allwaysync.com/features.html Product PAD file: http://allwaysync.com/download/allwaysync.xml Download link: http://allwaysync.com/download/allwaysync.exe E-mail: forpress@usovlab.com Web: http://allwaysync.com Usov Lab is located at 43797 Maison Blanc Sq, Suite 100, Ashburn VA, 20148, USA Tel: +1-703-531-8768 Fax: + 1-703-726-1537 </Press_Release> <Headline> AllwaySync Makes Two-Way Synchronization Brainlessly Simple </Headline> </Press_Release> <PADRING></PADRING> <Program_Descriptions> <English> <Keywords>file folder synchronization sync backup</Keywords> <Char_Desc_45>Keep your files and folders in sync.</Char_Desc_45> <Char_Desc_80>Real bidirectional file & folder synchronization software. Free for private use.</Char_Desc_80> <Char_Desc_250>Allway Sync synchronizes PCs, local, network or removable files and folders. It performs true bi-directional sync with flash drives, USB keys, MP3 players, digital cameras, SAMBA, CD, and more. Fast, safe, stable, intuitive and FREE for personal use!</Char_Desc_250> <Char_Desc_450>Allway Sync compares files in specified folders and copies the modified file to the counterpart folder, i.e., it synchronizes folders. Unlike other file sync tools that just copy files with the most recent modification time, Allway Sync uses a true bi-directional synchronization algorithm that does not depend on system clock accuracy, and also propagates file deletions correctly. Allway Sync is brainlessly simple and free for personal use.</Char_Desc_450> <Char_Desc_2000>When you work, even just occasionally, on multiple computers, you usually want your files to be where you are. Although you could always remember to copy all the modified files manually, there is a better way to apply your skills. Let Allway Sync keep track of recent changes in your files. This utility searches for the latest versions of your files in the specified folders, and copies the modified file to the counterpart folder, i.e. it synchronizes your folders. Unlike other directory synchronization software that just copies file with the most recent file modification time, Allway Sync implements a sophisticated algorithm which does not depend on system clock accuracy, and also propagates file and folder deletions properly. If your computers are not connected by a network, use a removable drive to synchronize them. Virtually any type of removable drive is supported: flash keys, card readers, USB drives, MP3 players, digital cameras, CDRWs, SAMBA, removable hard drives and many others. Allway Sync is fast, safe, stable and easy-to-use. All you need to do is to specify the local or network folders (directories) to be synchronized and the program does the rest. Advanced features include automatic synchronization, file filters, one-way and n-way sync option, usage statistics report, multiple jobs and more.</Char_Desc_2000> </English> <French> <Keywords>fichier dossier directoire harmoniser synchroniser</Keywords> <Char_Desc_45>Synchroniser vos fichiers et dossiers</Char_Desc_45> <Char_Desc_80>Garder vos fichiers et dossiers synchronisés avec un algorithme sûr et efficace. Gratuit</Char_Desc_80> <Char_Desc_250>Allway Sync synchronise des fichiers et dossiers locaux, en réseau ou sur disque amovible.</Char_Desc_250> <Char_Desc_450>Allway Sync cherche la dernière version d'un fichier dans un dossier spécifique et le copie dans d'autres dossiers, cad le synchronise. Contrairement à d'autres logiciel de synchronisation qui copient simplement le fichier le plus récent, Allway Sync implémente un algorithme sophistiqué qui ne dépend pas de l'horloge du système. De cette manière Allway Sync est rapide, sécurisé et stable. De plus Allway Sync est simple à utiliser et gratuit.</Char_Desc_450> <Char_Desc_2000>Lorsque vous travaillez avec des documents sur plusieurs ordinateurs, vous devez probablement copier des fichiers d'un ordinateur à l'autre. Même si vous assez de mémoire pour vous souvenir de tous les changements fichiers, il y a une meilleur façon d'utiliser vos capacités. Laissez allway Sync prendre soin de vos changement de fichiers. Il cherche la dernière version d'un fichier dans un dossier spécifique et le copie dans d'autres dossiers, cad le synchronise. Contrairement à d'autres logiciel de synchronisation qui copient simplement le fichier le plus récent, Allway Sync implémente un algorithme sophistiqué qui ne dépend pas de l'horloge du système. De cette manière Allway Sync est rapide, sécurisé, stable et simple à utiliser. Tout ce que vous avez à faire est de spécifier un dossier local ou réseau que vous souhaitez synchroniser et le logiciel fait le reste. si vos ordinateurs ne sont pas connecté, utilisez un disque amovible. Allway Sync est conçu pour fonctionner dans les deux sens, ce n'est pas juste un logiciel de sauvegarde. Toutefois chaque dossier synchronisé contient une copie d'un autre dossier, ainsi vous avez une copie de sauvegarde sans effort.</Char_Desc_2000> </French> <German> <Keywords>synchronisieren Ordner</Keywords> <Char_Desc_45>Ordner synchronisieren</Char_Desc_45> <Char_Desc_80>Ordner synchronisieren</Char_Desc_80> <Char_Desc_250>Allway Sync ist ein einfach zu bedienendes Programm mit dem der Benutzer Dateien zwischen zwei Rechnern abgleichen kann. Die Software +-berwacht dabei die letzten Ver+änderungen.</Char_Desc_250> <Char_Desc_450>Allway Sync ist ein einfach zu bedienendes Programm mit dem der Benutzer Dateien zwischen zwei Rechnern abgleichen kann. Die Software +-berwacht dabei die letzten Ver+änderungen. Es sucht die neueste Version einer Datei in bestimmten Ordnern und gleicht sie mit dem Inhalt eines anderen Ordners ab.</Char_Desc_450> <Char_Desc_2000>Allway Sync ist ein einfach zu bedienendes Programm mit dem der Benutzer Dateien zwischen zwei Rechnern abgleichen kann. Die Software +-berwacht dabei die letzten Ver+änderungen. Es sucht die neueste Version einer Datei in bestimmten Ordnern und gleicht sie mit dem Inhalt eines anderen Ordners ab. Das Programm unterscheidet sich durch einen speziellen Algorithmus, der nicht von der Systemuhrzeit abh+ängt, von anderer Software, die den selben Zweck erf+-llen sollen. Auch wenn die Rechner nicht direkt mit einander vernetzt sind, k+¦nnen Ordner z.B. mit einem USB-Stick aktuell gehalten werden. Nat+-rlich k+¦nnen auch zwei Ordner auf dem gleichen PC abgeglichen werden.</Char_Desc_2000> </German> <Spanish> <Keywords></Keywords> <Char_Desc_45></Char_Desc_45> <Char_Desc_80></Char_Desc_80> <Char_Desc_250></Char_Desc_250> <Char_Desc_450></Char_Desc_450> <Char_Desc_2000></Char_Desc_2000> </Spanish> <Italian> <Keywords>sincronizzazione file cartella sincronizzatore backup</Keywords> <Char_Desc_45>Sincronizza i tuoi file e le tue cartelle</Char_Desc_45> <Char_Desc_80>Sincronizza i tuoi file e le tue cartelle.</Char_Desc_80> <Char_Desc_250>Allway Sync sincronizza file, cartelle e directory, anche provvisorie. Questo sincronizzatore è veloce, sicuro, stabile, facile da usare e gratis.</Char_Desc_250> <Char_Desc_450>Allway Sync cerca l'ultima versione di un file nelle specifiche cartelle e li copia in un'altra cartella o cartelle, ad es. sincronizzali. Rispetto agli altri sincronizzatori di file che si limitano soloi a copiare il file con la data di mosifica più recentese, Allway Sync implementa un sofisticato algoritmo che non dipende da un preciso sistema d'rologio. Inoltre questo sincronizzatore è veloce, sicuro, stabile.</Char_Desc_450> <Char_Desc_2000>Quando stai lavorando su documenti che si trovano in differenti computer probabilmente sei costretto a copiare i file da un dispositivo all'altro. Anche se tu avessi abbastanza memoria per ricordare tutti i cambiamenti apportati ai file, esiste sicuramente un modo migliore per impegnare le tue capacità. Lascia che Allway Sync si preoccupi dei recenti cambiamenti nei tuoi files. Questo programma cerca l'ultima versione dei file nelle cartelle specificate e li copia in un'altra cartella, ad es. li sincronizza. Rispetto agli altri sincronizzatori di file che si limitano solo a copiare il file con la data di modifica più recente, Allway Sync implementa un sofisticato algoritmo che non dipende da un preciso sistema di orologio. Inoltre Allway Sync è veloce, sicuro, stabile e anche facile da usare. Tutto ciò che devi fare è specificare le cartelle o le directory che vuoi che siano uguali e il programma fa tutto il resto. Se i tuoi computer non sono conne ssi usa un drive rimovibile per sincronizzarli. Allway Sync è progettato per lavorare in entrambi i modi (tutti i modi), quindi non c'è un backup software. Comunque ogni cartella sincronizzata contiene sempre una copia di ciascuno, così fai il backup del file senza sforzo.</Char_Desc_2000> </Italian> <Japanese> <Keywords></Keywords> <Char_Desc_45></Char_Desc_45> <Char_Desc_80></Char_Desc_80> <Char_Desc_250></Char_Desc_250> <Char_Desc_450></Char_Desc_450> <Char_Desc_2000></Char_Desc_2000> </Japanese> <SimplifiedChinese> <Keywords>文件 文件夹 目录 同步</Keywords> <Char_Desc_45>同步你的文件和文件夹。</Char_Desc_45> <Char_Desc_80>以安全、有效的算法,保持你的文件和文件夹同步的免费软件。</Char_Desc_80> <Char_Desc_250>Allway Sync 可同步本机、网络和可移动磁盘的文件和文件夹。该软件快速、安全、稳定、容易使用,而且是免费的。</Char_Desc_250> <Char_Desc_450>Allway Sync 在指定文件夹中查找最新的文件,并将其复制到其他文件夹——即保持各文件夹同步。与其他仅按照最近修改时间复制文件的同步软件不同,Allway Sync 实现了不依赖于系统时间精确性的成熟算法。因此,该软件是快速、安全而稳定的。除此以外,Allway Sync 还容易使用,并且免费。</Char_Desc_450> <Char_Desc_2000>当你在几台计算机上处理文档时,你很可能需要从一台设备复制文件到另一台设备。即使你记性很好,可以在心中记住所有的文件更改,还是将这些工作交给 Allway Sync,将你的精力用在更好的地方吧。Allway Sync 在指定的文件夹中查找文件的最新版本,并将其复制到其他文件夹——即保持文件夹的文件同步。与其他仅按照最近修改时间复制文件的同步软件不同,Allway Sync 实现了不依赖于系统时间精确性的成熟算法,因此,该软件是快速、安全而稳定的。该软件还易于使用,只要指定需要保持一致的本地或网络的文件夹(路径),按下“同步”按钮,软件就会处理其他的事情。如果你的计算机没有联网,你还可以使用 U 盘等移动设备来同步各台计算机之间的文件。Allway Sync 可以确保各台计算机和 U 盘上所做的修改(包括删除操作)都应用到其他计算机上,而不仅是复制备份文件。</Char_Desc_2000> </SimplifiedChinese> <Russian> <Keywords>файл папка каталог синхронизировать синхронизатор</Keywords> <Char_Desc_45>Синхронизатор файлов и каталогов</Char_Desc_45> <Char_Desc_80>Синхронизует ваши файлы и директории используя надежный и эффективный алгоритм.</Char_Desc_80> <Char_Desc_250>Allway Sync синхронизует локальные, сетевые или сменные файлы и каталоги. Этот синхронизатор эффективен, безопасен, стабилен и легок в использовании. Более того, он бесплатный.</Char_Desc_250> <Char_Desc_450>Allway Sync ищет последнюю версию файла в указанных папках и копирует в другую папку, то есть синхронизует их. В отличие от других файловых синхронизаторов, которые просто копируют файл с самым последним временем модификации, Allway Sync использует нетривиальный алгоритм который не зависит от точности системных часов. Этот синхронизатор эффективен, безопасен, стабилен и легок в использовании. Более того, он бесплатный.</Char_Desc_450> <Char_Desc_2000>Если вы работает с документами на нескольких компьтерах вам вероятно приходится копировать файлы с одного устройства на другое. Даже допуская ваша память настолько замечательна что вы можете держать все изменения файлов в голове все же есть другие способы применить ваши способности. Пусть Allway Sync позаботится о последних изменениях в ваших файлах. Эта программа ищет последнюю версию файла в указанных папках и копирует в другую папку, то есть синхронизует их. В отличие от других файловых синхронизаторов, которые просто копируют файл с самым последним временем модификации, Allway Sync использует нетривиальный алгоритм который не зависит от точности системных часов. Поэтому Allway Sync эффективен, безопасен и стабилен, и, кроме того, прост в использовании. Все что вам нужно сделать это указать локальные или сетевые каталоги которые вы хотите синхронизовать и программа сделает все остальное. Если ваши компьютеры не соединены в сеть используйте для их синхронизации сменный носитель, например USB драйв. Allway Sync предназначен для работы в обе стороны, поэтому это не программа для резервного копирования (backup). Однако каждый синхронизуемый каталог содержит копию другого, поэтому вы имеете резервную копию всех файлов без дополнительных усилий.</Char_Desc_2000> </Russian> <Crocosian> <Keywords></Keywords> <Char_Desc_45></Char_Desc_45> <Char_Desc_80></Char_Desc_80> <Char_Desc_250></Char_Desc_250> <Char_Desc_450></Char_Desc_450> <Char_Desc_2000></Char_Desc_2000> </Crocosian> </Program_Descriptions> </XML_DIZ_INFO>